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A Hypothetical Standoff

During the lead up to Connecticut’s stricter gun laws, my friend and I had a hypothetical conversation. Myself a gun owner and he a state police officer, I asked him what he would do if an all out ban was enacted on guns and the state police were required to go to...

Obama Rewards Malloy with Trip to CT

On Wednesday President Obama will travel to Central Connecticut State University in New Britain to give a speech advocating for an increase in the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour. He will be joined by the governors of MA, VT, RI and of course CT. Last week...

Meyer Totes Grocery Bag Ban

As a senior state senator in your last term one would think that the end of your career would be spent attempting to have an impact on mitigating the plethora of financial problems facing your state including massive unfunded pension liabilities, rising education...

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