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Malloy budgets exceed spending cap by $1.2 billion
Gov. Dannel Malloy’s latest budget proposes spending increases of $1.8 billion threatening the state’s spending cap to the extent he is proposing to change its meaning. The Office of Fiscal Analysis, the legislature’s budget arm, reports that Malloy’s budget could be...

The Affordable Care Act doesn’t mean everyone will get insurance
The Affordable Care Act won’t work for exactly the reason it is constitutional. Chief Justice John Roberts pleased many of his detractors by ruling that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional because it is a tax. However, the goal of the ACA – better health...
Like Parent, Like Child: Connecticut’s Spending Problem Starts At the Top
Connecticut has a spending problem. Since 1970, state expenditures have increased an inflation-adjusted 368 percent, a figure which does not include the additional spending increases Governor Malloy is expected to announce at noon today. Reuters predicted...

More kids missing dads in Connecticut
The number of children raised in single-parent homes is on the rise in Connecticut, especially in the state’s biggest cities. Statewide the number of children living with single moms went up five percent over the past ten years, from 19 percent to 24 percent,...

Mutiny? Connecticut militia members sue state
Members of one of Connecticut’s ceremonial militia units are suing the state for allegedly seizing $10,000 worth of private ammunition, terminating a lease and failing to pay members for training. State officials claim the unit has not kept its weapons and ammunition...

Will new UConn STEM money keep our college graduates from leaving?
Gov. Dannel Malloy announced on Thursday that he wants to borrow $1.5 billion over the next 10 years to strengthen the science, technology, engineering and math programs at the University of Connecticut. This announcement raises a few questions. First, how much of...

Maximum efficiency? State worker paid for 28 hours in a single day
The Department of Public Health paid one employee for 28 hours of work in a single day, according to auditors. DPH made the payment for a combination of on-call hours and regular working hours. “We were told that employees are paid for on-call duty even when they are...
A State of Disrepair
On January 25th the Hartford Courant published an opinion piece entitled “Another State Property Falls Into Ruin”, which can be found at this link. In the article the paper engages the topic of the former Sunrise Resort in East Haddam, a 144-acre property which the...

‘Man Up’ – are men down?
This week two more examples surfaced of how men are falling behind women, lending credence to the national narrative that men – particularly young men – are struggling to keep up. More young men than young women in Connecticut drop out of high school, and the state’s...

Rell early retirement plan responsible for $60 million of current deficit; cost of vacation and sick days pile up for state
Taxpayers owe a growing debt to state employees for their unused paid time off, recently totaling more than $700 million or $11,500 per employee. In other words, if every state employee retired today, taxpayers would owe them more than $700 million for their unused...