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Democrats continue to collect donations from DOT preferred developer
The Connecticut Democratic Party continues to benefit from the generosity of a preferred developer selected by the Department of Transportation to develop the area near Stamford’s train station. Last month, the party collected $27,500 from donors affiliated with the...
Transparency versus privacy task force latest example of missing emails
The task force attempting to balance government transparency with crime-victim privacy provides a simple – even harmless – example of how Connecticut legislators can avoid disclosure of their email. In this case, the missing emails are of no real consequence, but they...
Warning to campaigns: State list of banned contributors isn’t definitive
The list of state contractors banned from contributing to political campaigns is the best effort of state agencies, but it isn’t definitive, a reality highlighted by the absence from the list of several companies with publicly-acknowledged state relationships. For...
Board of Regents awards raises while awaiting results of six-figure pay study
The Board of Regents for Higher Education will give Christmas raises to 279 managers before a consulting firm completes a six-figure study of how it pays those employees. The board, which oversees Connecticut’s state universities and community colleges, hired Sibson...
Health insurance exchange buys three murals for $24,980 each
Access Health CT, the quasi-public state agency that sells insurance under Obamacare, spent nearly $75,000 to commission three murals, plus nearly $4,000 to have one of them installed. Contracts with the three artists – Adam Niklewicz, Katro Storm and Rafael Cornier...

Did employees of DOT contractor attend NYC fundraiser with Malloy?
Eight donors affiliated with HAKS Engineers, a Department of Transportation contractor, gave generously to the Connecticut Democratic Party in October and circumstantial evidence suggests they may have attended a New York City event with Gov. Dannel Malloy. Malloy’s...

DOT contractor gave $30,000 to Connecticut Democrats weeks after selection
A husband, wife and son each wrote $10,000 checks to the Connecticut Democratic Party weeks after learning the Department of Transportation selected their company for a $500 million Stamford redevelopment project. The state will provide $35 million for parking garages...

Connecticut named a “Turkey State” for budget deficit
The Institute for Truth in Accounting named Connecticut one of 13 “Turkey States” for spending more than it took in last year according to a measure the institute calculates. “Turkeys may be tasty on the Thanksgiving table, but they aren’t the...

Ethics chief won’t confirm or deny existence of Donovan investigation; another legal battle wears on
Connecticut’s top ethics official “won’t confirm or deny” the existence of a confidential investigation into the scandal last year that tarnished the Congressional campaign of then-Speaker of the House Chris Donovan. The two top aides on Donovan’s campaign received...
Criminal justice computer system at “high risk for failure”
A new computer system intended to streamline Connecticut’s criminal justice system is at “high risk for failure” according to a consultant report uncovered by state auditors and Attorney General George Jepsen. The Auditors of Public Accounts and...