by Kelly Delaney | Oct 5, 2012 | General, Municipal
In June, the federal government awarded the state of Connecticut with a $4.7 million grant to save or create 36 positions for police officers around the state. According to the Courant, Hartford received $1.7 million to hire 12 police officers, Waterbury received $1.7...
by Zachary Janowski | Jun 22, 2012 | Features, General, Municipal
Sorry, Cheshire. First, Gov. Dannel Malloy gives Cheshire-based Alexion Pharmaceuticals as much as $51 million to move to New Haven. Then the “bubble” over the town pool rips. Luther Turmelle reports for the Register that since 2003 the pool “has...
by Zachary Janowski | May 15, 2012 | Features, General, Municipal, Taxes & Spending
Josh Barro writing for Forbes suggests it might be in Rhode Island’s best interest to merge with Connecticut. According to Barro, because of Rhode Island’s lower per capita income, the state has higher taxes AND lower government spending than both its...
by Zachary Janowski | May 2, 2012 | Features, General, Municipal
New Haven expects to contribute $75,000 to the New Haven People’s Center for improvements to its building, a facility that hosts a range of left-wing groups including the state bureau of the Communist Party newspaper. The center, run by the Progressive Education and...
by Zachary Janowski | Jan 25, 2012 | Features, General, Municipal
East Haven Mayor Joseph Maturo Jr., who has been in the center of the news after the arrest of four East Haven police officers by federal investigators and ensuing inflammatory comments, is appealing a decision by the State Employee Retirement Commission to end his...
by Zachary Janowski | Feb 24, 2011 | Features, General, Municipal, State Budget
Gov. Dannel Malloy’s mantra continues to be one of shared sacrifice with his budget calling for $1.9 billion of tax increases next year. “With job creation on our minds, several principles and philosophies helped guide us toward this day,” Malloy said in his budget...