by Heath W. Fahle | Jun 15, 2010 | Video
by Heath W. Fahle | May 18, 2010 | It Could Happen Here, Transportation
Whether its rush hour in Hartford, attempting the merge from I-91 to I-95 in New Haven, or travelling any stretch of I-95 almost any time, the hard red taillights of traffic grinding to a halt are all too familiar to many Connecticut motorists. It isn’t just anecdotal...
by Heath W. Fahle | Mar 5, 2010 | It Could Happen Here
This week it was revealed that in the face of a disastrous budget crisis, House Speaker Christopher Donovan of Meriden’s solution is to turn his frown upside-down and doggedly commit himself to the idea that if he ignores the problem, it will go away. He is hardly...
by Heath W. Fahle | Feb 5, 2010 | It Could Happen Here, State Budget
After months of political clashes between legislative leaders and the Governor, Connecticut’s fiscal position for the current year remains $515 million in deficit , according to the most recent update from State Comptroller Nancy Wyman. The next fiscal year, which...